In general, a smart card is an integrated circuit card with memory capable of making decisions. This project can be used for recording the attendance of an employee in an organization or a student in a class. A smart card, chip card or integrated circuit card (ICC), is defined as any pocket-sized card with embedded integrated circuits which can process information. This implies that it can receive input which is processed by way of the ICC applications and delivered as an output. In this project, we are using a contact smart card where the information inside the card is communicated with the card reader by inserting card into the card reader. The card reader in this project used is an SR-90 SDK of 1KB memory size.
The smart card reader contains a PIC 16F73 microcontroller, a voltage regulator, serial cable connections, and an LED which glows whenever a card is inserted into the reader and also it glows whenever it issues any command or receives any command. A Smart Card Reader is interfaced with the microcontroller through serial interface.
This project can be applicable to provide security in banks or offices. All the account holders will be provided with their smart cards at the time they register their account in the bank. The smart card reader will be present at the entrance of the bank. Whenever the user wishes to access his bank account, he has to insert his smart card into the smart card reader. The reader reads the data from the card and sends the data to the microcontroller. The microcontroller compares this data with the already stored data. If this matches, the door will be opened by rotating the stepper motor allowing the person inside to access his account. The door will be closed after a small delay. If the card’s data is not matched with the already stored data, the system alerts the buzzer to indicate that the person is an unauthorized one. LCD is used to display the related messages.
Software Tools:
- Keil compiler
- Orcad.
Hardware Tools:
- Microcontroller AT89S52.
- Smart card reader
- MAX232
- Relay
- ULN driver and stepper motor
Block diagram