In general, a smart card is an integrated circuit card with memory capable of making decisions. This project can be used for recording the attendance of an employee in an organization or a student in a class. A smart card, chip card or integrated circuit card (ICC), is defined as any pocket-sized card with embedded integrated circuits which can process information. This implies that it can receive input which is processed by way of the ICC applications and delivered as an output. In this project, we are using a contact smart card where the information inside the card is communicated with the card reader by inserting card into the card reader. The card reader in this project used is an SR-90 SDK of 1KB memory size.
The smart card reader contains a PIC 16F73 microcontroller, a voltage regulator, serial cable connections, and an LED which glows whenever a card is inserted into the reader and also it glows whenever it issues any command or receives any command. A Smart Card Reader is interfaced with the microcontroller through serial interface.
RTC is interfaced with the microcontroller for real timing performance. A 3V battery can be connected to RTC DS1307 to avoid time disturbances caused by power failures. The microcontroller reads the time from RTC for every second. When the reader sends the data from the card to the controller, the controller compares this data with the already stored data and if it matches, the controller displays the timings of the student arrival and his details.
In this project, each student will be provided with a preprogrammed card where the card will be having the details of that particular candidate. The data in this card is read and written through demo software. The card reader will be present at the lecturer. When a student wants to register his attendance, he has to place his card into the reader and the reader reads this information and passes the same data to the controlling unit. Thus the microcontroller compares the data taken from the reader with the already existing data in its memory and if it is matched with the data in the program memory, it displays as authorized and records the timings along with the candidate details. If the data in the card is not matched with the data in the program memory, then it displays unauthorized and a beep sound is produced. LCD is used to display the timings and other related messages.
This project uses regulated 5v, 500mA power supply. 7805 and 7812 three terminal voltage regulators are used for voltage regulation. Bridge type full wave rectifier is used to rectify the ac output of secondary of 230/12v step down transformer.