Now a day’s so many useful technologies are coming out to make our life style more comfort, luxurious and secure. With advancements in technologies now we are able to design more user friendly systems with low cost.
Now a day’s users expecting smart products with more innovation, creativity, user friendly and security, etc. So in this project we are designing a system to control electrical appliances in home or office or industry just by giving a smart touch on image of the respective load and these images are displayed on the TFT LCD for more clarity of the picture.
The major components used in the project are capacitive based touch screen module, TFT LCD and ARM7 based LPC2148 32 bit micro controller.
The communication between touch screen module and micro controller is done through UART protocol and we will store the images binary data in micro controller memory and send this data to TFT LCD through TFT LCD data lines and control lines.
TFT LCD (Thin film transistor liquid crystal display) is a variant of liquid crystal display (LCD) which uses thin-film transistor (TFT) technology to improve image qualities such as addressability and contrast. TFT LCD is an active matrix LCD, in contrast to passive matrix LCDs or simple, direct-driven LCDs with a few segments.
The NXP (founded by Philips) LPC2148 is an ARM7TDMI-S based high-performance 32-bit RISC Microcontroller with Thumb extensions 512KB on-chip Flash ROM with In-System Programming (ISP), 32KB RAM, Two UARTs, Two I2C serial interfaces, Two SPI serial interfaces Two 32-bit timers, Real Time Clock with optional battery backup.
For controlling AC loads we are using BT136 triacs and moc3021 for driving triacs.
This is very safe and secure and also we can control many loads without getting confused by adding names or images in the application.
Software Tools:
- KEIL IDE for developing micro controller code
- ORCAD for designing schematics
- FLASH MAGIC for dumping the hex file into controller
Hardware Tools:
- ARM7 based LPC2148 Micro controller.
- MOC3021 for driving TRIACs.
- BT136 for controlling AC loads.
- Touch screen module
- Regulated +3.3v and +5v Power supply.
- No need of separate remote or switch boards for controlling electrical appliances
- Protection from shock while operating
- Easy to use, children, old aged people, physically challenged people can also operate
- Office automation
- Home automation
- Machines controlling system in industry
- Door access control system