The main aim of this project is to assist the persons those who are suffering from Color blindness and cannot recognize the object color with their eyes. Color blindness is an anomaly which happened in retinal of eye(s) which prevent the patient to recognize or differentiate certain colors. The disability of the patient to recognize color is potential to cause problems to the patient in daily life. Color blind cannot be cured. Therefore, the only method to help color blind people to recognize or differentiate color is with a vision aid kit
In this project we will identify the color of the object you want and also play the voice message about name of the color identified. This can be achieved easily by using advancement in technology especially in the field of embedded systems.
Now a day’s so many useful technologies are coming out to make our life style more comfort, luxurious and secure. In this project we are using advanced ARM7 based LPC2148 32 bit micro controller and color sensor.
The NXP (founded by Philips) LPC2148 is an ARM7TDMI-S based high-performance 32-bit RISC Microcontroller with Thumb extensions 512KB on-chip Flash ROM with In-System Programming (ISP) and In-Application Programming (IAP), 32KB RAM,
To play the voice messages we do not need any separate voice module because we can play that voice from ARM7 LPC2148 micro controller directly by saving pre recorded voice message in micro controller’s memory in the form of binary. This color sensor identifies color and gives serial output of RBG value. It can identify 16.7 million color shades giving RGB value for the detected color. The detected color is identified as amount of three primary color values namely Red, Green & Blue with 8 bit accuracy for each primary color. Any color can be separated or combined into three primary colors Red, Green and Blue using the RBG values.
Software Tools:- KEIL IDE for developing micro controller code
- ORCAD for designing schematics
- FLASH MAGIC for dumping the hex file into controller
Hardware Tools:
- ARM7 LPC2148 Micro controller.
- Audio amplifier.
- Speaker or headphones
- Battery.
- Color sensor.
- Accuracy in detecting color of object.
- Low power.
- Color Detection & Sorting operations like brick sorting, tablets separation, etc.
- Process control to printed materials
- Ambience light detection
- Robotics color detection