Bank safety and security system with voice alert and call alert to police station through GSM


Security is primary concern for every one. There are many ways to provide security at banks and at some shops and industries. There are many technologies coming out to make our lives more safe, comfort, secure and luxurious. In this project we will provide security with the help of GSM and micro controller technology in embedded systems.
This Project describes a design of effective security alarm system that can monitor the banks with different sensors using and send immediate alert to nearest police station using GSM modem. And this system also gives voice alert to nearest people about so that they will alert from danger.
In this project we will monitor banks using fire sensors, IR sensors, wall breaking sensor, etc. If any sensor detects abnormal condition then micro controller will give voice alert about that danger situation and also sends message to authorized person’s mobile or to police station using GSM.
To play the voice messages we do not need any separate voice module because we can play that voice from ARM7 LPC2148 micro controller directly by saving pre recorded voice message in micro controller’s memory in the form of binary.

And to send messages or make calls we are using GSM modem. This modem provides the communication interface. It transports device protocols transparently over the network through a serial interface. The GSM modem is a wireless modem that works with a GSM wireless network. A wireless modem behaves like a dial-up modem. The main difference between them is that a dial-up modem sends and receives data through a fixed telephone line while a wireless modem sends and receives data through radio waves.


Hardware Tools:
  • ARM7 based LPC2148 Micro controller.
  • Fire sensor, vibration sensor, reed sensor and IR sensor.
  • Audio amplifier.
  • Speaker
  • GSM modem.

  • Provides better security.
  • It will provide safety by alerting people immediately.

  • Useful for homes, apartments.
  • Can be used in industries and some shops like gold shops, etc.