In general, most of the patients forget to take the appropriate medical course at appropriate times. There may be chances that they remember to take the pills at regular times but forget the pill which has to be taken at that particular time. This is a big problem and it is also difficult to doctors to monitor patients always. To avoid these problems, we have implemented this smart medical refrigerator.             
            By using this project, we can remind the patient to take the medicine at prescribed timings. This smart medical refrigerator alerts the patient if the patient does not take medicines at that particular time and also gives the information about which medicines have to be taken.
            In this project we are using a door sensor to identify the door opening and closing by the patient at prescribed timings, 16X2 LCD as display source, it displays the time and medicine name which are have to be taken, a buzzer to alert the patient and near by nurses and doctors. And also we are using one RTC (DS1307) to read the time.

        To control and process all the above modules, a controller is used and the microcontroller preferred in this project is AT89S52.

Software Tools:

  1. Keil compiler
  2. Orcad.
Hardware Tools:

  1. Microcontroller AT89S52.
  2. RTC
  3. Buzzer
  4. LCD