The project deals with the design and development of hardware and software for Wireless Stepper motor control system. Switches are provided to control the direction of the stepper motor at the transmitter side. The status of these switches is transmitted using RF transmitter and received by the RF receiver. The microcontroller at the receiver will be continuously monitoring the status of these switches received from the decoder and performs the corresponding action.

The RF modules used here are STT-433 MHz Transmitter, STR-433 MHz Receiver, HT640 RF Encoder and HT648 RF Decoder. The switches are interfaced to the RF transmitter through RF Encoder. The encoder continuously reads the status of the switches, passes the data to the RF transmitter and the transmitter transmits the data.
At the receiving end, the RF receiver receives this data, gives it to RF decoder. This decoder converts the single bit data into 8-bit data and presents it to the microcontroller. Now, it is the job of the controller to read the data and perform the corresponding action i.e., to rotate the stepper motor clockwise, anticlockwise or entirely stop it. LCD display is provided at the receiver side to display the status of the stepper motor.
Software Tools:
  1. Keil compiler
  2. Orcad.
  3. Proload

Hardware Tools:
  1. Microcontroller AT89S52.
  2. RF receiver and transmitter
  3. RF encoder and decoder.
  4. Switches
  5. LCD
  6. Stepper motor and ULN driver

Block diagram

Transmitter section

Receiver section