This project includes the branch of Biomedical Engineering. This project aims at monitoring the patient’s health conditions continuously. The parameters like the pulse rate, pressure, blood sugar, urea content in the blood are to be monitored continuously. In other words, the doctor will be diagnosing the patient continuously. This project uses the wireless concept, RF.
It is required to monitor the patient’s temperature, heartbeat and if the temperature increases above certain level injection has to be given. Our system does the same, a sensor is used to monitor the patient’s temperature. A microcontroller is used to get the patient’s temperature and display it on LCD.
The analog quantities which are to be recorded continuously are taken and converted into corresponding digital values using an eight channel ADC. These converted digital values are transmitted from the microcontroller using RF transmitter and an encoder. These same values are received at the receiver end using RF receiver and a decoder.
The RF modules used here are 2.4 GHz UART. The processed data from ADC is sent to microcontroller. The microcontroller passes this data to the RF transmitter. The transmitted data will be received by the RF receiver and will be passed to the microcontroller. The microcontroller finally displays these values on the LCD.
The doctor can continuously check the patient’s status by checking the parameters displayed on the LCD and take the immediate action if the parameters exceed the normal values.
Software Tools:
- Keil compiler
- Orcad.
- Proload
Hardware Tools:
- Microcontroller AT89S52.
- Sensors- temperature sensor, LDR for heartbeat, panic switch
- ADC0808
Block Diagram:
Transmitter side:
Receiver side: