The present invention provides a simple and relatively low cost way of performing a leakage test on the test system to determine whether or not the system is subject to leakage. The gas sensor will be fixed in the area where there is a chance of any gas leakages. If the system leaks, the sensor identifies the change and indicates that leakage exists. Since the human cannot enter into the area where there is a chance of leakage of hazardous gases, a Robot is employed to move in the simulated environment and continuously monitor the status of the gas detector in that particular area.
The system is entirely an automated design. The microcontroller plays a vital role in this project. The controlling section will be fixed to the robot. The controlling contains the microcontroller, gas detector and the buzzer circuit.
The microcontroller continuously monitors the gas released using gas detector. Whenever the gas has been released, the microcontroller detects this and immediately sends this data to the modem and at the same time alerts the buzzer.
Software Tools:
- Keil compiler
- Orcad.
Hardware Tools:
- Microcontroller AT89S52.
- Gas detector.
- Buzzer circuit
- DC motors and L293D for Robot.
Block diagram